Cheddar Life August 16, 2016
Between Bells
Hosts: Kristen Scholer, Freddie B
Guests: Lindsey Stanberry & Charlotte Japp, Georgina Pazcoguin, Charles Chen, Sara Shikhman + 3 gents, Kelsey Eberly
A-Block - (Scholer, B) LIVE: 12:30PM-
Top News
**Interstitial #1 -Dean Stattmann, Deputy Editor, Men's Health
How do you know which supplements to use?
B-Block - (Scholer, B, Stanberry, Japp) LIVE: 12:50PM
Lindsey Stanberry, Living Features Director of Refinery29 & Charlotte Japp, subject of their “Get the F Out” Campaign
Lower Third: Lindsey Stanberry, Living Features Director of Refinery29, @refinery29
Lower Third: Charlotte Japp, Moved back home 3 years ago, @charliehorsejapp
HED: Moving Back in with Mom & Dad
DEK: With so many millennials moving back home, Refinery29 explores how they’re making it work.
Interstitial #2-Robert Aramayo & Bug Hall, Harley & The Davidsons
Stars of Harley and the Davidsons: what you didn't know about the legendary motorcycle company.
C- Block - (Scholer, B,) LIVE: 1:00PM
Emily Longeretta, Entertainment TV Editor, HollywoodLife
Lower Third: Emily Longeretta, Entertainment TV Editor, HollywoodLife @hollywoodlife
HED: Johnny Depp, The Walking Dead, and more from HollywoodLife
DEK: Emily Longeretta of HollywoodLife dishes on the latest celebrity and TV news.
Interstitial #3-Michaela Bethune, Head of Campaigns
How Millennials are helping the homeless with simple feminine products
D-Block (Scholer, B, Pazcoguin) LIVE: 1:10PM
Georgina Pazcoguin, Actress in Broadway’s revival of CATS
Lower Third: Georgina Pazcoguin, Broadway’s CATS, @catsbroadway
HED: CATS is back on Broadway!
DEK: One of the hit musical’s newest stars, ballerina Georgina Pazcoguin, on taking a break from ballet shoes to put on whiskers.
**Interstitial #4: (OUTSIDE: LAUREN INTERVIEW) Sara Shikhman, CEO and Co-Founder of Rent A Gent + 3 “gents”
Lower Third: Sara Shikhman, CEO and Co-Founder of “Rent A Gent”, @rentagent
E- Block - (Scholer, B, Eberly) LIVE: 1:20PM - VIA SKYPE
Kelsey Eberly, Litigation Fellow at Animal Legal Defense Fund
Lower Third: Kelsey Eberly, Lead Attorney at Animal Legal Defense Fund, @animallegaldefensefund
HED: Fighting for Animals in Court
DEK: Kelsey Eberly from the Animal Legal Defense Fund, on the key animal rights battles being fought right now.
- foie gras
- possibly sea world
- lions in iowa
**Interstitial #5: Madeline Lanciani, Chef, Duane Park Patisserie
You know you want artisanal ring dings
F-Block- (Scholer, B, Chen) LIVE: 1:20PM
Charles Chen, Chef & Creator of
Lower third: Charles Chen, Chef & Creator of, @charleschentv
HED: Party In Your Mouth
DEK: Chef Charles Chen’s pop-up dinners are changing the way people think about food.
Up Next in Between Bells
Between Bells January 30, 2017
013017: Between Bells: Nick Cannon live in studio! Plus, the Firefly Music Festival lineup, and we break down Trump's immigration executive order.
Between Bells March 13, 2017
March 13, 2017
Between Bells: The fallout from Preet Bahrara's showdown with President Donald J. Trump and the latest from #SXSW.
Guests: Yashar Ali, Josh Rubin, Jay Traugott, Chuck Nice, Sam Sisakhti, Jen Martin, Teresa Tsou, Bryony Cole, Ryan Beale
Between Bells April 5, 2017
April 5, 2017
Between Bells: Advertisers flee Fox News over Bill O'Reilly, Donald J. Trump gets ready for visit from China's Xi Jinping, and Olympic gold medalist Aly Raisman on inspiring girls in sports. With The Daily Dot, National Review, Digital Trends, and more.
Guests: Alexandra Desan...