August 4, 2016 Full Show
Cheddar Archive
Top News: Apple sets precedent for diversity in tech
The top news stories include Apple’s new pay policy, quarterly earnings from Viacom, Square, and Tesla, and more.
How to know whether an MBA is right for you
Investopedia’s VP of Content Caleb Silver talks about the expensive decision on whether an MBA is worth the investment
College fraternities are as relevant as ever
Caroline Barden, senior managing editor of college media site FlockU, says fraternities are still effective for networking.
Here’s what we think of Samsung’s newest products
Popular Science Editor Xavier Harding joins us on Cheddar as well review Samsung’s Galaxy Note and new VR headset.
Codecademy is teaching 25 million people how to code
CEO Zach Sims runs down the classes and services available on Codecademy.
It’s been a busy week for the auto industry
Wired Magazine Senior Writer Jack Stewart discusses Tesla earnings, self-driving cars, and the Uber/Did Chuxing deal.
Up Next in Cheddar Archive
How Much of a Threat Does Facebook's ...
Wired’s Brian Barrett says Facebook is looking for ads rather than selling subscriptions, so its original videos won't threaten Netflix or Amazon.
Cass Sunstein on Rogue One's Success ...
“Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” is a little darker, but Cass Sunstein says it's a much better standalone movie than "The Force Awakens."
Top News: Apple sets precedent for di...
The top news stories include Apple’s new pay policy, quarterly earnings from Viacom, Square, and Tesla, and more.