July 01, 2016 Full Show
1h 1m
Top News: Disney Acquires 33% Stake in MLB's Streaming-Video Unit
The top news segment includes stories such as Disney acquires a 33% stake in MLB's streaming-video unit for $3.5 Billion and Zenefits is cutting its valuation by more than half to $2 Billion from $4.5 Billion.
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Bleacher Report President Rory Brown on his expansion plans for the media company.
The Wayfarer NYC Executive Chef Talks 4th of July Dishes
Chris Shea, Executive Chef of the Wayfarer, joins Cheddar live on set to talk about his favorite July 4th dishes.
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Jack Erwin Co-Founders Lane Gerson & Ariel Nelson on rundown of shoe company.
Herc Holdings CEO Talks about Its Recent Spin-off from Hertz Global Holdings
Larry Silber, CEO of Herc Holdings, joined Cheddar to talk about Herc Holdings’ revenues and becoming fully independent on July 1.
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The Motley Fool analyst Jason Moser on Amazon Prime Day.
G2A.com CEO and CMO on The Activation Code Marketplace
CEO Bartosz Skwarczek and CMO Dawid Rożek of G2A.com join Cheddar live on set to talk about how G2A is participating in eSports and how the activation code marketplace works.
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Your EDM CFO Nick Ward on the future of EDM.
Glamour Sr. Editor Elissa Velluto on Hottest Accessories for Summer
Senior Accessories Editor at Glamour Elissa Velluto joins Cheddar to talk about the hottest accessory trends for summer.
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DoSomething.org VP on How Millennials Can Get Engaged in Social Causes
Trivago Head of Brand & Strategy on How to Make Your Summer Travel Experience Seamless
Trivago’s Jon Eichelberger talks about how Trivago is competing against Airbnb and provides tips on how to book a hassle-free summer vacation.