Cheddar Life August 16, 2016
Hosts: Kristen Scholer, Freddie B
Guests: Lindsey Stanberry & Charlotte Japp, Georgina Pazcoguin, Charles Chen, Sara Shikhman + 3 gents, Kelsey Eberly
A-Block - (Scholer, B) LIVE: 12:30PM-
Top News
**Interstitial #1 -Dean Stattmann, Deputy Editor, Men's Health
How do you know which supplements to use?
B-Block - (Scholer, B, Stanberry, Japp) LIVE: 12:50PM
Lindsey Stanberry, Living Features Director of Refinery29 & Charlotte Japp, subject of their “Get the F Out” Campaign
Lower Third: Lindsey Stanberry, Living Features Director of Refinery29, @refinery29
Lower Third: Charlotte Japp, Moved back home 3 years ago, @charliehorsejapp
HED: Moving Back in with Mom & Dad
DEK: With so many millennials moving back home, Refinery29 explores how they’re making it work.
Interstitial #2-Robert Aramayo & Bug Hall, Harley & The Davidsons
Stars of Harley and the Davidsons: what you didn't know about the legendary motorcycle company.
C- Block - (Scholer, B,) LIVE: 1:00PM
Emily Longeretta, Entertainment TV Editor, HollywoodLife
Lower Third: Emily Longeretta, Entertainment TV Editor, HollywoodLife @hollywoodlife
HED: Johnny Depp, The Walking Dead, and more from HollywoodLife
DEK: Emily Longeretta of HollywoodLife dishes on the latest celebrity and TV news.
Interstitial #3-Michaela Bethune, Head of Campaigns
How Millennials are helping the homeless with simple feminine products
D-Block (Scholer, B, Pazcoguin) LIVE: 1:10PM
Georgina Pazcoguin, Actress in Broadway’s revival of CATS
Lower Third: Georgina Pazcoguin, Broadway’s CATS, @catsbroadway
HED: CATS is back on Broadway!
DEK: One of the hit musical’s newest stars, ballerina Georgina Pazcoguin, on taking a break from ballet shoes to put on whiskers.
**Interstitial #4: (OUTSIDE: LAUREN INTERVIEW) Sara Shikhman, CEO and Co-Founder of Rent A Gent + 3 “gents”
Lower Third: Sara Shikhman, CEO and Co-Founder of “Rent A Gent”, @rentagent
E- Block - (Scholer, B, Eberly) LIVE: 1:20PM - VIA SKYPE
Kelsey Eberly, Litigation Fellow at Animal Legal Defense Fund
Lower Third: Kelsey Eberly, Lead Attorney at Animal Legal Defense Fund, @animallegaldefensefund
HED: Fighting for Animals in Court
DEK: Kelsey Eberly from the Animal Legal Defense Fund, on the key animal rights battles being fought right now.
- foie gras
- possibly sea world
- lions in iowa
**Interstitial #5: Madeline Lanciani, Chef, Duane Park Patisserie
You know you want artisanal ring dings
F-Block- (Scholer, B, Chen) LIVE: 1:20PM
Charles Chen, Chef & Creator of
Lower third: Charles Chen, Chef & Creator of, @charleschentv
HED: Party In Your Mouth
DEK: Chef Charles Chen’s pop-up dinners are changing the way people think about food.