Blackberry Hoping for a Comeback
2m 2s
Kevin Michaluk, founder of and known as "Crackberry Kevin," discusses Blackberry's latest release of the KeyONE Smartphone, manufactured by TCL. Kevin notes that TCL's takeover of the marketing and production of the company's devices is what allows Blackberry to now make devices that devoted users want. Cheddar host Kori Hale points out the weight of the Blackberry KeyONE and how much heavier it is than her iPhone. Kevin, though, argues that the weight is part of what makes the phone so great, because it means it's more durable than the iPhone. Kevin also discusses the price of the phone, noting that everything offered by an iPhone or Samsung device is available on the KeyONE, but for hundreds of dollars less. The price of the KEYOne is around $549.