RebelMouse CEO: “Facebook is the 1,600 pound gorilla…Twitter weighs about 2 pounds.”
9m 28s
RebelMouse Founder and CEO Paul Berry stopped by the New York Stock Exchange set to talk about the secret sauce for content distribution. His company creates a social media front page for people, building a dynamic site around what they share. Through RebelMouse, individuals can connect all of their social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and turn them into a single page representing their entire online presence.
Berry said that websites can no longer be considered a growth sector anymore. “It’s all about distributive properties,” said Berry on Cheddar. He also stressed that there is a science to going viral. Though the principals of becoming an online success are the same, the dynamics are different. In terms of the platform currently connecting users on a great scale, Berry said Facebook is accomplishing this task well. “Facebook is the 1,600 hundred pound gorilla in the room. Twitter weights about 2 pounds,” he said. “Snapchat is a rising star.” When building an organic audience, content is king, Berry added. Viral moments are fleeting and quality is essential when differentiating oneself in a “noisy world.”